Monday, May 28, 2012

packed up my things in that little fisherman's cape on the coast of cape porpoise...sighed at the window by the kitchen sink, the one with the perfect view of Goat Island Light, the lighthouse that saved me from despair. heading that little mustard colored house built piece by piece by the father of my babies and me. my home. my family. my love. 

and i breathe deeply at the thought of heading home. of all it means and what the past year and half has meant. sigh away, i must.

i broke off a hunk of that broad shoulder i've leaned on like it was a hunk of baguette and shoved it in my pocket in case i should need it. i left the rest there in cape porpoise. i have no need for that any more. 

as i see things, i'm okay. i'm reassured. there is love and light and color and happiness abounding. possibilities are endless. the boys are gleeful. i smile a lot. 

the few bits of tattered what if's that lingered in my mind and heart are being placed in a box...a heart shaped box and folded into a piece of art to be forever entombed.

nigh-night cape porpoise. i've loved you up and have had my sweet fill. <3