Wednesday, November 4, 2009

love will rule...some day. and i know my children will see that day.

my children have been so passionately fighting for equal rights this fall right along side of me.

they firmly believe, as do i, that all people deserve equal and fair dignified treatment. that if two people want to have a family together and be married that they have that right innately and that they shouldn't even need to ask anyone's permission.

but they did have to. and we went and voted and petitioned for equal rights for all. no to any form of discrimination we say.

we went to sleep with images of a more just and love-filled world in our heads only to wake up to find that the majority of people in our state voted away the rights of gays and lesbians to be married. the hate-filled, bigoted, ignorant, brain-washed and stupid sector of our voting population prevailed. and the world feels heavy and darker than before.

my heart sunk. a steady flow of tears came down my cheeks as i tried to birth a way of explaining how this happened to my children. i let them sleep late i thought for so long.

when i told them the news, that gays and lesbians are still being discriminated against and that we have yet to win the battle, they both cried. how could they not? and then a little while later, after it had sunk in, we sat down and talked about it.

Bones' reaction was, "why can't those people just live the way they want to live and let other people live how they want to live? it doesn't hurt them!!"

Boo's reaction was, "i still love maine...i love my state, but i am finding it hard to feel love for people that could be so unloving."

and they both have a point. then we talked about the origination of the fear and bigotry that most likely was the cause of this lack of enlightenment. and we decided that we were simply going to wish those people, that type of thought away. we aren't going to give it weight or a place in our lives. we all felt anger and sadness, but we still feel passionate about this cause and we will still fight for it. we will let our anger and sadness be fuel and we will continue the work of having our society be fair and just for ALL people.

crazy. it's just crazy.

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