Wednesday, September 2, 2009

running our rat terrier's derrier off

every fall reminds me of cross country...the smell of leaves, the chill of early morning that opens to comfortable sunshine. perfect time of the year to run...

Little J and R ran track with our town this summer and they loved it. there is something so primal and raw and basic about running that it drew them in just like it drew me in years ago. it is a sport where you compete with others, against others, but ultimately it is about yourself and doing your personal best. my kids loved it more than any other sport they've participated in so far.

so, because our little rat terrier Rontu is getting a bit fat, we have begun taking him on jogs. 2 to 3 miles. at first the kids were riding their bikes as i ran with the baby in the jogging storller and Rontu on the leash...but today they decided to run the whole way.

and they did it!

Little J has the demeanor of a distance runner, stable, well-paced and not a word of complaint out of his mouth. he made it effortlessly the whole way and even claimed he could go further!

R, on the other hand is more of a sprinter. he whined and complained and tried to find every excuse to stop, though he managed to make it through the whole 2 1/2 miles...and he ran as fast as lightening for the last 1/4 mile of it even! sounds a lot like my style when i first moved from sprinting to distance running in high school!!!

it has become a habit, this daily jaunt. and a good one. we need to get that doggy of ours down to 19 pounds...from 23!!!! porker!

1 comment:

  1. I wish someone would run my derrier off.

    I have a giveaway at click on the giveaway in the far right side bar – ends Friday at 10 pm
