Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sax class

saxophone lessons at the public school began for my oldest son...9 year old Boo, today.

for the first time in his life, Boo, who is a perpetually messy-haired kid, asked me for a comb. he wanted to comb his hair for his class. this shook me. i cannot explain how significant this event is. i'm not sure what it means, besides that he has become concerned with his appearance, but i can say with certainty that big things are afoot.

we got to band early to orient ourselves.

upon arrival we discovered that the band director is not a band director at all. nope. it is an alias, a front. he is an impostor, he told my kids. he does it for the pay and is actually a jazz saxophonist...but shhhhh....don't tell the principal.

he homeschools four of his children...or his wife does. he has a smashingly funny personality and Boo and Bones took to him right away. he is even going to help us find a used clarinet so we can teach Bones clarinet at home...he is so eager to learn a wind instrument seeing his brother take this new exciting challenge on. and i can play why not!?

all i can say is that we feel so lucky for Boo to be able to take band and sax with school. i can see in him a huge excitement and it sparks one in me, too.

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