Tuesday, October 6, 2009

elderberry & lemon balm

we have been following the monthly zine put out by luna herbs...or herbal roots.

last month we studied elderberry and this month, october, we are studying lemon balm. and i have to say, there is no coincidence that good things have been upon us because of it.

a study recently came out with elderberry being in the forefront as the herb to fight H1N1 virus...swine flu. it is supposedly a powerful antioxidant. we made some elderberry syrup, and are still in the process of making a tincture from dried elderberries...and i am a firm believer in its power as a profalactic. it has been unwittingly put to a test...

J has been sick with a debilitating cold for about a week. he has been home with us...potentially spreading his germs...yet not one of the kids nor i feel sick in the very least. i attribute this to the fact that we have been slurping delicious elderberry syrup everyday and i swear it is what has kept us healthy. J is usually the one who doesn't get sick! but, alas, he has not been part of our elderberry learning.

we made cookies from lemon balm tonight and they were delicious, too. lemon balm is an antiviral herb. and we are planning to use it to its fullest! thanks luna herbs! we love you.


1 comment:

  1. this post made me cry.
    I know! of all posts - this one is pretty unemotional.
    But, I so crave the space to do such things - sharing a studio apartment with my beloved and our little furry monster friend makes for limited everything.
    Yay elderberry syrup!
